The Dockstader - Wegert Family Tree

"Wegert Family and Friends Cookbook and History"
Self-Publishing the Book



Printing the full-color.

A book in my oak hand-made book press with glue, cord and super applied.

Cutting the laminated/cloth cover, lining, and papers, and assembling the cover...

One of the 60 First Editions finished!


The front cover:

Front Cover of "Wegert Family and Fiends Cookbook and History".

The back cover:

Who Are We?  Really!

We have all asked this question throughout our personal pursuit to validate our existence.  Seeking those answers inspired and motivated Jerry Swanson to chronicle this history.  After learning of and researching the Dockstader-Mormon connections on his father’s side of the family tree, he became fascinated with the surprises one can discover when you start looking.  He likened genealogy to a treasure hunt. 

 This book charts the non-Mormon side of the family.  This Wegert branch of the family tree proved to be the harder of the two to research.  The Wegert branch of the tree did not offer the concise records of the ancestors as did the Mormon branch.

The question of how to share the discoveries gave rise to the idea of a small family cookbook with some family history mixed in.  The project soon became the reverse--a family history with some recipes mixed in.  Several years, hundreds of hours, and thousands of words later, the family history consists of four hundred and eighty pages of family tree charts, maps, and copies of family documents.  The many stories and memories contributed by family bring you closer to that history. 

If you agree with the Chinese Proverb, “One Picture is Worth Ten Thousand Words”, then you will be happy with the visuals here.  The book is rich with over 1250 annotated family photos.  There are names for all the faces! 

The story also attempts to honor the family members who served their country in the military, and individual recognition is given to those few who gave their lives in that service. 

The book is an extension of Jerry’s online family tree, the “Dockstader-Wegert Family Tree v2”, which he maintains on  His online family tree currently includes over 29,000 individuals, over 8200 marriages, over 7500 photos, thousands of documents, and hundreds of family stories.  This book may be considered a “Cliff’s Notes” version of that online tree.

Jerry’s Wok is over 40 years old and well seasoned.  Here is his favorite recipe.  Are you ready for some Comfort Food?

Wegert Family and Friends Cookbook and History

Contributed by:  Jerry Dean Swanson

Origin:  The Family



·        One pinch of History.

Preheat your heart to 98.8°.

In a large mixing bowl, combine all ingredients, stirring until well blended.

Fold in some of Mom’s Recipes, spice to taste, and mix throughout with extra emotion.

Serve on top of all the memories made with your family, with Warmth, Respect and Loyalty. 

Garnish with your favorite Photos until the mixture looks and feels “Just Right”.

 Do not worry about leftovers…they will keep forever!


·        Four heaping cups of Love.

·        Two teaspoons of Stories.

·        Three gallons of Patience.

·        1 Liberal sprinkle of Humor.

·        A dash of Cooperation.

·        Four ounces of Sharing.

·        A smidgen of Frustration




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All rights reserved.  Revised: 03/27/16.