I am now in the final stages of
research and application to the Sons of the American Revolution.
In my years of working on the family tree, I discovered many ancestors
who fought for the revolution and even found instances of family who
fought the war on the British side...Tories.
I have been working on establishing
links to family Patriots for many years and have been frustrated with
the "walls" you run into when you are trying to gather the "proofs" in
documentation which is needed for the SAR membership. Almost
done...and will let you know how it goes as we progress.
Otherwise...Some interesting connections to several celebrities:
The following charts my relationship
to the Romney's. Margaret Fotheringham is my 3rd Great
Grandmother. And since Archibald Hill had adopted Charlotte,
Hannah Hood Hill was therefore my Half 2nd Great Grand Aunt, and so on.
So, although I am not a blood-relative of Romney, there is still a
connection there.
Miles Romney (Mitt Romney's Great
Grandfather and the husband of half 2nd Great Grand Aunt of me) would father 31 children
by his five wives. His first wife, Hannah Hill, would bear 11 of
those, the last, Leo Romney was born in 1887 in Mexico. They had moved to Mexico to
escape Federal prosecution for polygamy.

I share Paternal I1 DNA with
these famous persons:
Leo Tolstoy
Warren Buffett
Alexander Hamilton
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Edgar Rice Burroughs
I share Maternal H24 DNA with
these famous persons:
Luke the
Marie Antoinette
Napoleon Bonaparte
Prince Philip
Susan Sarandon
Calvin Coolidge
Birger Jarl
Tsarina Alexandra
Sven II Estridsen - the last Viking King
These are a few other blood
connections to a few famous people...
Powell Hubble (1889-1953.
astronomer who played a crucial role in establishing the field
of extragalactic astronomy and is generally regarded as one the
most important observational cosmologists of the 20th century.
This connection is also confirmed by DNA.
7th Cousin 2 times removed
Philo Taylor Farnsworth (1906-1971),
Inventor of
the Electronic Television,
grew up
in Rigby, Idaho and tinkered with electronics for fun. His
"image dissector tube" was the first prototype of the modern
electronic television which showed only one straight line across
the screen. 5th Cousin 3 times removed
General Tom Thumb (1838-1883),
Circus Performer, (born Charles Stratton) was taught to sing,
dance, and act by circus pioneer P.T. Barnum. His small frame
and many talents made him famous around the world.
5th Cousin 3 times removed
Rutherford B. Hayes (1822-1893),
19th President, was known for his honesty and military
involvement in the American Civil War. After the scandal ridden
years of the Grant administration, Hayes restored trust to the
presidency and ended Reconstruction during his term.
4th Cousin 5 times removed
Daniel B. Wesson (1825-1906),
Gun Company Owner, partnered with Horace Smith in Norwich,
Connecticut in the early 1850's to develop the first repeating
rifle, the volcanic rifle. 4th Cousin 5 times removed
Adams (1722-1803), Massachusetts Representative, helped
to organize the Boston Tea Party. From the beginning he was a
loud voice for independence. 2nd Cousin 9 times removed
Frances Folsom Cleveland (1864-1947)
President Grover Cleveland in the White House, the only couple
to have done so. Their 27 year age difference proved no
disadvantage to their romance. 4th Cousin 4 times removed
Samuel Huntington
signed the
Articles of Confederation as a member of the Continental
Congress. Later he signed the Declaration of Independence as
Governor of Connecticut. 3rd Cousin 6 times removed
Katharine Hepburn (1907-2003), four times
Academy Award winning Actress, maintained a successful acting
career for over 70 years. Her notable performances in
The African Queen
and On Golden Pond,
as well as countless other films, contributed to her title as
the AFI's Greatest American Female Star. 6th Cousin 2 times removed
Mamie Doud Eisenhower (1896-1979),
was the wife of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Her popularity
came from her beautiful clothes, her pride in her home and her
husband, and her million dollar fudge recipe.
6th Cousin 2 times removed
James Abram Garfield (1831-1881),
20th President, serving
the second shortest term in U. S. history (only 6 months),
was the second President of the United States to be
assassinated. 5th Cousin 4 times removed
John Piermont
I (1837-1913), Banker, was one of the wealthiest men at
the beginning of the 20th century. A financier and banker, he
arranged the merger for General Electric, and his bank today is
known as Morgan Stanley. 5th Cousin 4 times removed
Williams, (1731-1811),
Connecticut Representative, a merchant and politician from
Connecticut, signed the Declaration of Independence. He was a
Harvard graduate who studied theology. 3rd Cousin 8 times removed
Lucy Ware Webb Hayes, (1831-1889),
First Lady, convinced her husband, Rutherford B. Hayes, to fight
in the Union army and to oppose slavery. He later became an
influential part of the abolitionist cause. 6th Cousin 3 times removed
Isaac Newton (1643-1727),
is regarded as one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians
in history. He described 3 laws of motion that also govern the
entire earth and the celestial bodies surrounding it.
2nd Cousin 11 times removed
Willa Cather (1873-1947),
has been called one of the most eminent American Authors. A
muckraking journalist at first, she penned the famous
My Antonia.
7th Cousin 2 times removed
John Steinbeck (1902-1968),
who's writing is characterized by portrayals of working class
families in California. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature as
well as the Pulitzer Prize. Two of his most famous works are
The Grapes of Wrath
and Of Mice and Men.
7th Cousin 2 times removed
Chester Alan Arthur (1830-1886),
became the 21st President of the United States after the
assassination of James Garfield. His presidency is remembered
for the Pendleton Act, which helped reform civil service, and
Tariff Reforms. 6th Cousin 4 times removed
Florence Mabel Kling Harding (1860-1924),
was the wife of President Warren G. Harding. Though she had
struggled to support herself and her young son, she thrived as
the hostess of the White House. 7th Cousin 3 times removed
Lillian Gish (1893-1993), or Lillian Diana
de Guiche, is known as the "first lady of the silent screen" and
starred in many silent films including
The Birth of a Nation
and The Scarlet Letter.
Her career spanned over 75 years and countless television and
film appearances. 8th Cousin 1 times removed
Sir Arthur John Evans (1851-1941),
was the British archaeologist known for uncovering the Minoan
civilization. 7th Cousin 6 times removed
Aldous Huxley (1894-1963),
English author, immigrated to England with his
scientifically genius family. He was known for his novels, such
as "Brave New World" and "Time Must Have a Stop".
11th Cousin