Ancestry DNA Results
Test done November, 2012


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Jerry Dean Swanson


I had my DNA tested at two laboratories.  The first was at in November 2012.  The results of this test included ancestral information and integrated nicely with my online family tree.  I was also provided information for hundreds of cousins whose DNA was connected to mine.

The second test was one year later at  This test also included ancestry information and connected me with hundreds of DNA-shared cousins from around the world.  I also received health-related results.  It is fascinating to read the hundreds of reports, which connect my genetics to various health conditions and traits.

The following is the general description of my DNA results from

The AncestryDNA test uses some of the latest autosomal testing technology as a more comprehensive way to find family across all lines in my family tree.  My test covers both sides...maternal and paternal...and is equally effective for both men and women.

Without getting too technical, the test analyzed my autosomal DNA, which includes the entire genome—all 23 pairs of chromosomes—as opposed to only looking at the Y-chromosome or Mitochondrial DNA.  The test provides a more complete picture of my family history.

Also, the Y-DNA and mtDNA tests look at much smaller amounts of your DNA.  For example, YDNA tests only look at about 40 locations whereas AncestryDNA comprehensively looks at the entire genome at over 700,000 locations.

The following charts, images, and information concerning my DNA results confirmed what we thought we knew about the Dockstader-Wegert Family Tree.  My genetic ethnicity is 48% Western European, 21% Eastern European, 13% Scandinavia, 9% Great Britain, and 9% trace regions.

I am also presented with hundreds of "matches" to other members who have had the test. 

I also had my Mother, Marilyn J Schanel take the test, so I would have the ability to break out my Father's lineage more easily. 

Also, my cousin, JoEllen (Panning) St. Aubin, also took the test so I can also confirm my family relationship to my Ohio cousins.

There are over 30,000 individuals in my online family tree, which is available at These are statistics detailing the birth locations of those people.



Ethnicity for Jerry Dean Swanson


Trace Regions:

Primarily located in: Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein.  Also found in: England, Denmark, Italy, Slovenia, Czech Republic

The Europe West region is a broad expanse stretching from Amsterdam's sea-level metropolis to the majestic peaks of the Alps. Geographically dominated by France in the west and Germany in the east, it includes several nations with distinct cultural identities. From the boisterous beer gardens of Munich to the sun-soaked vineyards of Bordeaux and the alpine dairy farms of Switzerland, it is a region of charming cultural diversity.

The people living in the Europe West and Europe East region are among the most ad-mixed of all the regions, which means that when creating genetic ethnicity estimates for people native to these areas, you often see similarities to DNA profiles from other nearby regions.

Approximately 48% of the typical native’s DNA comes from the Europe-West region and 82% of the typical native’s DNA comes from the Europe-East region.




Primarily located in: Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Russia, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia.  Also found in: Germany, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Estonia, Bulgaria

The Europe East region stretches from the Baltic Sea in the north to the borders of Greece in the south. Throughout history, the region has stood at the crossroads—and often in the crosshairs—of Europe and Central Asia. Despite constant invasions and occupations over the centuries, the hardy inhabitants have managed to persevere.




Primarily located in: Sweden, Norway, Denmark.  Also found in: Great Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, the Baltic States, Finland.

Scandinavia is perched atop northern Europe, its natives referred to throughout history as “North Men.” Separated from the main European continent by the Baltic Sea, the Scandinavians have historically been renowned seafarers. Their adventures brought them into contact with much of the rest of Europe, sometimes as feared raiders and other times as well-traveled merchants and tradesmen.





This region is primarily located in, England, Scotland, and Wales.
Also found in: Ireland, France, Germany, Denmark, Belgium, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Italy.

The people of the Great Britain region have been witness to sweeping political changes and amazing technological progress through the centuries, from the Glorious Revolution to the Industrial Revolution. However, despite their penchant for reform and progress, they have always found a way to preserve the past. From royal families to prime ministers, ancient languages to international diversity, from venerable cathedrals to glass skyscrapers, their culture is a mix of old and new.


The markers on this map represent known birthplaces of some of my early ancestors.

Got Neanderthal DNA?

The lab estimated my genome-wide percentage of Neanderthal ancestry.
An estimated 3.3% of my DNA is from Neanderthals.
However, I do not have a Uni-brow...I have that goin’ for me! Smiles.

My Neanderthal Cousin, “BC”,
(1st cousin, 865x removed).  Smiles.
Got Neanderthal?
Neanderthal Bones From bones like these three (Vi33.16, Vi33.25, Vi33.26) found in the Vindija cave in Croatia, scientists extracted Neanderthal DNA. Using these samples they painstakingly assembled the Neanderthal genome sequence.
Neanderthals were a group of humans who lived in Europe and Western Asia. They are the closest evolutionary relatives of modern humans, but they went extinct about 30,000 years ago. The first Neanderthals arrived in Europe as early as 600,000 to 350,000 years ago. Neanderthals — Homo neanderthalensis — and modern humans — Homo sapiens — lived alongside each other for thousands of years. Genetic evidence suggest that they interbred and although Neanderthals disappeared about 30,000 years ago, traces of their DNA — between 1 percent and 4 percent — are found in all modern humans outside of Africa.

Apart from the curiosity of finding what percentage of a modern human's genome is Neanderthal, the information has great value for science. By comparing my DNA with Neanderthal DNA, scientists can detect the most recent evolutionary changes as we developed into fully modern humans.
Neanderthal art in a cave in Spain.  I knew it…artistic talent is in my genes!

Jerry's Paternal Ancestors

I am part of a paternal line that scientists have labeled haplogroup I1. The map below shows where people of haplogroup I1 lived around 500 years ago, before modern transportation allowed people to move easily from continent to continent. This haplogroup group appears to have originated in Finland and more than 50 percent in the province of Satakunta, about 35% in southern Norway, southwestern Sweden especially on the island of Gotland, Denmark, and northern Germany, with decreasing frequencies toward the edges of the historically Germanic (especially Viking) sphere of influence. Some countries such as Britain and Iceland contain significant I1 populations brought by various settler groups such as Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans, but it likely came from Finland. They call the I1 gene the Viking Gene.

Paternal haplogroups are families of Y-chromosomes that all trace back to a single mutation at a specific place and time. By looking at the geographic distribution of these related lineages, we learn how our ancient male ancestors migrated throughout the world.

 Haplogroup: I1, a subgroup of I
 Age: 28,000 years
 Region: Northern Europe
 Example Populations: Finns, Norwegians, Swedes
 Highlight: Haplogroup I1 reaches highest frequencies in Scandinavia.

I share Paternal I1 DNA with these
famous persons:

Jimmy Buffett
Leo Tolstoy
Warren Buffett
Alexander Hamilton
Samuel Adams
Samuel Huntington
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Edgar Rice Burroughs
Edwin Hubble
Mamie Eisenhower
James Garfield
Isaac Newton
Aldous Huxley
John Steinbeck
Chester Arthur
William Williams
Katherine Hepburn
Frances Cleveland
Florence Harding
Daniel Wesson
General Tom Thumb
Rutherford Hayes
Philo Farnsworth
John P. Morgan
Willa Cather
Sir Arthur Evans

Haplogroup I1 can be found at levels of 10% and higher in many parts of Europe, due to its expansion with men who migrated northward after the end of the Ice Age about 12,000 years ago. It reaches its highest levels in Denmark and the southern parts of Sweden and Norway.
You find “I” almost exclusively in Europe, where about 20% of men have Y-chromosomes belonging to the haplogroup. It began spreading about 30,000 to 45,000 years ago with some of the first Homo sapiens to inhabit Europe.
The haplogroup's two main branches, I1 and I2, divided about 28,000 years ago. Archaeological evidence indicates it was a time of rapid change in Europe, as a new culture known as the Gravettian moved westward across the continent. The Gravettian people introduced new stone tool technology, as well as novel art forms typified by the distinctive fertility symbols known as "Venus" figurines.
Not long after haplogroup I arrived in Europe, the advancing Ice Age limited most of the continent's inhabitants to its southern fringes. Only Iberia, the Italian peninsula and the Balkans were mild enough to support substantial numbers of humans. As a result, the distribution of the haplogroup's branches today reflects the migrations that took place as the glaciers began retreating about 12,000 to 15,000 years ago.

Jerry's Maternal Ancestors

I am part of a maternal line that scientists have labeled haplogroup H24. The map below shows where people of haplogroup H lived around 500 years ago, before modern transportation allowed people to move easily from continent to continent.
Maternal haplogroups are families of mitochondrial DNA types that all trace back to a single mutation at a specific place and time. By looking at the geographic distribution of mtDNA types, we learn how our ancient female ancestors migrated throughout the world.

 Haplogroup: H, a subgroup of R0
 Age: more than 40,000 years
 Region: Europe, Near East, Central Asia
 Example Populations: Basques, Scandinavians
 Highlight: Mitochondrial DNA extracted from the remains of St. Luke belonged to haplogroup H.

I share Maternal H24 DNA with these famous persons:

Luke the Evangelist
Marie Antoinette
Napoleon Bonaparte
Prince Philip
Susan Sarandon
Calvin Coolidge
Birger Jarl
Tsarina Alexandra
Sven II Estridsen - the last Viking King

Haplogroup H dominates in Europe, reaching peak concentrations along the Atlantic coast. It is also common in many parts of the Near East and Caucasus Mountains, where the haplogroup can reach levels of 50% in some populations. H originated about 40,000 years ago in the Near East, where favorable climate conditions allowed it to flourish. About 10,000 years later, it spread westward all the way to the Atlantic coast and east into central Asia as far as the Altay Mountains.

About 21,000 years ago, an intensification of Ice Age conditions blanketed much of Eurasia with mile-thick glaciers and squeezed people into a handful of ice-free refuges in Iberia, Italy, the Balkans and the Caucasus. Several branches of haplogroup H arose during that time, and after the glaciers began receding about 15,000 years ago, most of them played a prominent role in the repopulation of the continent.

H1 and H3 expanded dramatically from the Iberian Peninsula, along the Atlantic coast and into central and northern Europe. Other branches, such as H5a and H13a1, expanded from the Near East into southern Europe. After a 1,000-year return to Ice Age conditions about 12,000 years ago, yet another migration carried haplogroup H4 from the Near East northward into Russia and Eastern Europe.

Haplogroup H achieved an even wider distribution later one with the spread of agriculture and the rise of organized military campaigns. You can find it throughout Europe and at lower levels in Asia, reaching as far south as Arabia and eastward to the western fringes of Siberia.

Royal Lines

Because it is so common in the general European population, haplogroup H also appears quite frequently in the continent's royal houses. Marie Antoinette, an Austrian Hapsburg who married into the French royal family, inherited the haplogroup from her maternal ancestors. So did Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, whose recorded genealogy traces his female line to Bavaria.

From the DNA tests done at 23andMe for my Mother and me,
we are able to know what I received from whom:

Also proved with a DNA match:


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Jerry Dean Swanson

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